Learning how to win offline in Dota 2 is all about mastering the right skills. A lot of the time, you'll be able to get away with picking Tinker or some other "offlane" hero. However, if you know how to effectively ward and take advantage of your creeps' strengths, you can really make things work in your favor. A lot of pubs are won by just dota 2 rank push the right tactics. Here's how to do it:
The most important thing to keep in mind while playing offline is to keep your creeps alive. In order to do this, you'll need to keep an eye out for enemy creeps that might be about to come to your creeps' lane. These guys can either come from the bottom or top, so be sure to keep an eye out for them. When you see one approaching, immediately blink backwards. Do this to prevent the creep from doing a lot of damage to you or your creeps.
As soon as you've dealt with a creep, immediately place a card on top of them. If you're an experienced offline, then you'll know where the best creeps to trade with are. The most important thing to keep in mind when trading, is that creeps won't always follow your moves. Some will retreat after taking damage, and some will stay around. Knowing this, you'll want to either place a ward near your creeps, or else send a scout ahead to spot the weak dota 2 coaching.
Once you have a few good creeps in your offlane, start fighting the opposite team. When fighting, keep in mind that your goal is to dominate the XP lead. Use your spells and abilities to maximize your damage, while using your abilities intelligently. If you're playing pubs, don't go for kills. Instead, try to keep your opponent busy with your creeps. This way, you'll be able to take down their core quickly, thus taking control of the game.
When playing against an offline in pubs, it's important to watch out for early ganks. Don't let your opponents get the first blood, or you'll be able to take them out easily. Also, watch out for when your opponent gets a level 10 gank. These are some of the more common tactics used by offlaners to dominate the game. With practice, you'll be able to deal with these situations more efficiently.
I hope this guide has given you some good tips on how to win offline in Dota 2. The most important thing is to remember to roam around the map as much as possible and never fight in the center of the map, unless you have a dire need to. Also, learn how to outplay your opponent. It might seem hard at first, but if you have some time to practice under the guidance of a professional, you can use dota 2 boost service to easily become a great offline.